I had a little battle with that GREEN MONSTER last night...Here's the story:
The employment listings at PLNU come out every few weeks. There was a position on the listing I really wanted to apply for, but I can't because I'm not supposed to try and switch jobs until after I've been here for a year.
The summer has been tough for me because there's not a lot to do for my job. So I'm getting bored because there's nothing to do and no challenges. What do I do with my time? Well, I do what few tasks are required of me, and then I start contemplating my life. I am glad I have a job, but I feel like I should be doing something more with my life than just working in the library and I could use some extra money. I have thought about joining the orchestra, teaching cello lessons, trying to get more paid music gigs...like weddings and parties, starting my Ph.D., taking language courses, or getting more involved in ministry at my church where I have at least two opportunities to serve more, one as an event coordinator for the twenty and thirty-somethings crowd, or as a leader in the kids club ministry that will be starting in the fall. I'm taking votes.
So I explained all this to my mom who got to come out and see where I work and meet all the librarians I work with last night. She was so excited! And so were they. I think we are going to see some collaboration on research projects between APU and PLNU. Then she took me out to dinner, and we had fun, but I was a little depressed about my situation here. My mom dropped me off at my apartment, and then I went on a bike ride.
When I got back from riding, my roommate came home and told me that in her retail sales-associate position, her boss gave her an almost $3,000 dollar bonus yesterday, and a raise in her salary. She is now making twice as much money as I am. I am happy for her, but it frustrates me a little because I'm really struggling to make it here in SD financially. GREEN MONSTER rears its ugly head...at least privately.
I had to remind myself that I do like it here, and I have enough to make it. I am not *technically* living in poverty, and I live in the US. I started telling God how thankful I was for the things he has provided for me. And that made a world of difference.
I'm still struggling, and I would appreciate some prayers this week for guidance and peace with my financial situation.
On a happier topic, I will be going to visit one of my favorite friends, Laurel, this weekend, and so I don't know if I will be posting this weekend or not.
I will pray for you Robyn. I have a prayer wall at work where I write prayer requests and things I am thankful for. Have FUN this weekend!!! I love you!!! love-your lil sis
Thanks Meg.
When are you going to come visit me in SD?
(That's an invite.)
Probably at the end of August. Maybe before then, but if not for sure end of August.
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