Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Would you rather...

Would you rather...

Send an e-mail/letter/etc. you didn't mean to send, or receive an e-mail/letter/etc. that someone didn't mean to send to you?

I'm not sure at this point...  although I hate hearing people talk about me when they think I'm not listening. 

This blog just may have gotten a little more public than I would have liked due to a website that just got published about one of my favorite local bands, and I was enjoying my relative anonymity on-line.  Basically, if you do a google search for this band, my blog will show up because I mentioned them once in a post.

So I've tried to break that link to a certain extent by editing a few of my posts and by hiding my profile on blogger, but it still shows up on google.  CURSES! 

Not that I've said anything I regret, and you know, I really try to safeguard identities to a certain extent, and not say anything that would be considered confidential, but it just made me think a little more about what I'm writing here.  I don't think I want to write anything that will come back to haunt me later.  After all, people read this (well, I have two loyal readers thus far...)  and I know that.  So.  Keep reading.  And I am going to have to keep my profile on the DL (down-low) for a bit... at least as long as it keeps showing up when I do that google search.

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