Friday, July 30, 2004

Life, perhaps...

On a journey…

It has been said that the path is straight and narrow,

but this road I have taken has unexpected turns
As it clearly lies before me
The asphalt undisturbed
Someday this path will lead me home
Because I know that God has guided me
To this one lane road
So Ryan tells me:
Okay this has nothing to do with your post. I was just thinking if life is a journey and God is in control, are you taking detours, or is God leading you through the scenic route? Enjoy the beauty of the day and the trip as it will be a long one :)
Yes, the journey is long. I think God is in control, but I can't help but take detours sometimes. I always wonder, am I making the right decisions? Or is this all a part of God's plan? Can God use me in spite of myself? In spite of my bad decisions? Or bad choices I make in life?

I really do think that God can use us no matter where we are, and brings us back to the correct path when we make wrong choices. Hopefully I learn from my mistakes, and continue to walk more confidently on the road he has set before me.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path...


Ryan said...

Okay here is my rambling thought for the day in response to your post, in response to my comment, not in response to your post...
Okay officially confused...

So I am thinking you love God. God loves you! You want to go the direction God wants. God wants you to go the direction He want, not just because He wants it but because it is GOOD for you. Oh, lets not forget that God is all powerful ;)
So if we take the life as a journey paradigm and think that there is no path that you can take that God is not involved in. See you and He share the same goal. How freakin' awesome is that! Plus, while you and I pretty much suck at the whole being perfect thing (though you have had days that were close), He is perfect and can make these things happen (all powerful remember). So I am thinking the "detours" are not detours so much as part of God's path to make you more like Him. So enjoy the view cause you are steadily in His hand, which is pretty cool when you think about it. Anyway, I still like the title desciption, it is a nice turn of words and I would hate to thinkmy ramblings made you feel like it is not acurate. I just thought I would share
:) Peace to my peeps*

*You know the little yellow marshmallow things. They are so gross but I eat them every easter.

Robyn said...

You know, if I ever started my own band, One Lane Road would be my band name.

I think it is great as well that God has us in his hands.

And I didn't think you were dissin' me in your comment, it just made me think and I just had to respond because it was a good question.