As I was flying home from Oakland, my watch stopped. I think it was the battery. I have gone for periods of time without my watch, but this time I felt a little lost without it. I don't really have any other clocks. There's not one in my office, and the one my roommate bought for the living room is not accurate because she likes the clock to be 10-15 minutes too fast. Anyway, I think it has to do with my desire to be punctual.
Punctuality is important to me for two reasons, one reason is because my mom used to forget to pick me up from school and so I start getting anxious when other people are late, but also if I am running late for something. The second reason is because of orchestra. We ALWAYS had to be on time, although I don't know what the consequences would have been for tardiness. I did miss out on an audition once in orchestra because mom forgot I had orchestra that night.
I feel like I am a relatively laid-back person, but punctuality is important to me. It's funny, because I don't have to be completely scheduled and organized like some people, like my friend Kathy... who is very organized and likes to control everything in her life. But she has trouble being on time. She's kind of my polar opposite. I guess it takes all kinds...
I am the same way. I hate being late and I am usually the first person to arrive at something...because I am early. But I am a person who loves being organized and's not to the extent that I am anal but I am a happier person with organization and structure. About the watch-I need a battery for my watch too (it's been like 3 months) but I hate how after you stop wearing your watch, you still keep checking your wrist. Quite annoying. I do the same kinda thing with my sunglasses. They slip off my nose so I have to push them up often...imagine nerd pushing glasses up with forefinger. That's me. And after I stop wearing them, I still push on the bridge of my embarrassing. People probably think I'm psycho. Anyways, I got assigned to a new project and I am scared because it is actually kinda important. Work is starting to get busy. But it's better I guess because the day goes by fast. Ok bye!!! love-meg
I hate being late! I remember being picked up last after practice and it sucked. I always feel rushed and pressured when I am late. I think you and I are the same that way. We are laid back and being late sort puts us in a pressure situation. Hope all is well with you. Remember it is better to get a new watch(yeah new fun things) than a new battery and installation costs.
Cost for battery replacement: $6.00
Having friends and family who offer good advice: Priceless
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