Friday, March 25, 2016


Someone asked me a few days ago if I still swim. I had mentioned to her that I am a former competitive swimmer. I told her that I get in the pool occasionally, but that it's more of a commitment than just walking out my door and getting on the bike or going for a jog.

One of the things I miss about swimming regularly is the sense of power. When I work hard in the pool, I feel really strong. Learning to swim is learning to swim with the water instead of fighting against it. When you're trained to swim well, you move with the water and experience less resistance.

I actually think those who don't swim as well, who face more resistance from the water, probably get more of a workout because they have to fight harder to move through it. Because I'm a more experienced swimmer, I have to swim longer because I've learned how to move through the water more smoothly.

The person I was talking with smiled and said, "I think there's some life lessons in there."

"I suppose there are" I replied.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

"It's my birthday, I am loved"

Yesterday, on my birthday, a photographer was taking pictures for a project called Dear World at my library. The rules are pretty simple:
  1. Reflect on a personal story of who you are or who you want to be.
  2. Write a message that symbolizes your story.
  3. Share your portrait with friends, family, and colleagues.
There are many lessons I've learned, especially since moving to Texas:
  • Creativity requires courage
  • Keep practicing
  • Take action in spite of fear 
  • Create space to be
  • Just be
However, I decided to capture the spirit of the day I was having, and it's a story most people can relate to:
Photo by Jonah Evans of
Jonah (the photographer) was so nice, and texted me this photo before it was actually "published." He also told me that they shared it at their show last night and that it got a great response.