Friday, January 21, 2011


I subscribe to quite a few blogs. One of them is one by Donald Miller, who wrote Blue Like Jazz (which is a very good read!). I don't often read all the articles in my inbox, I usually just scan headlines and read the articles that look the most interesting. Miller's topic today was Lead by being yourself. That headline was all I read, but it was a good reminder for me today.

I'm taking over leadership responsibilities of the music team at my church, and I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. I know I can do a great job leading people into a worship experience, but my weakness is that I'm not a very good guitar player. I am worried that it will be distracting when I mess up, and that I won't be able to play the songs well enough (which is kind of a lame thought since I should be able to play them fine with a little practice).

Miller's tiny headline reminded me that I really don't have to be the best guitar player. All I have to do is be myself--someone who has had a lot of experience both leading and following in various musical performance groups, someone who's willing to learn, listen, and practice. I've been comparing myself to all the really good guitarists I know, and I'll never be that good of a guitar player. But who I am is a leader and musician. I'm grateful I even have this opportunity to lead worship mostly because I realized that I started learning guitar 13 years ago with that dream in mind.

If you read this and you know me, please keep me in your prayers as I transition into this leadership position at my church, that I would continue to remember that I should lead by being myself.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Goals 2011

I've learned a lot about setting goals in the last two years. It has been a pretty amazing experience. I have learned that goals that seem impossible really aren't if I set smaller goals that will help get me there.

Up to this point in my life, I did not like setting goals. This is due to a fear of failure. If I never set goals, I'll never fail! Go me! However, if I don't set goals, I have found that I won't be able to accomplish any of the things I want to accomplish in my life, and that's a bummer.

Prior to moving to Texas, I had been earning about $200 a month extra through music jobs. Because I am a skeptic, $500 extra income per month seemed impossible to me. However, I did some advertising here in Texas, signed up with an online music lesson company as a teacher, and slowly began to pick up students and gigs. I started making between $300 and $500 per month last year and I was surprised when I met my income goal!

Based on that experience, I decided to set what I think is a tough but rewarding goal for myself this year. One that seems big and impossible. So I decided to set a goal of making at least $1000 in extra income through music in at least one month this year. From my $200 perspective two years ago, $1000 seemed like $1,000,000. From my $500 perspective, it seems challenging but achievable. It will require about 12-15 hours per week in either traveling, teaching, or performing.

As of December 2010, I had three music students, and some paying gigs here and there. Each student is worth about $100 per month. The gigs vary in pay.

Right after I set this goal of earning $1000 in extra income through music, about  three days later (not kidding), I got a call from the music director at my church who let me know that our praise team leader had resigned. The director said that they would like me to consider taking his position, which is paid. I said I would think about it, and I've decided to take it over. This job pays $300 per month.

Then, I got a few leads on some new students from the online music company. Looks like I'll be teaching both of them! That means an extra $200 per month. When I crunch my numbers, if I teach every student four times each month, and earn a $300 salary per month as the praise team leader at church, I'll be earning $940 per month!!!

I realize that it will require work on my part, but no one has ever said that success comes easily. I really do think you have to work towards it. Well, unless you have really large trust fund. Which I don't.

I am very excited about the possibility of actually achieving this goal this year, and I'm surprised (again) at how possible the impossible has become.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Urban Leaves on Sixth St

This was in San Diego. This photo might be a framer...