After some extensive research this morning on the correct name of the extra skin on your elbow, there are numerous spellings of weenus...wenis...weenis...but none of them showed up in the dictionary.
We have the Oxford Reference database here at the library, and according to the Oxford Reference tool, this word does not exist.
So I must come to the conclusion that this is slang, and though I heard the word on the radio, there is no REAL proof anywhere online that this word is correct. However, if you check the slang dictionary at, you will find a few entries for this word as submitted by users of their website...but still not verifiably accurate in my opinion.
Note: DO NOT look up this word at a public computer... the urban slang site contains some questionable language, so don't look at it if people are going to be looking over your shoulder.
So, even though the word doesn't exist, you can still use it in a sentence.
1 comment:
Well I would like to add my authority as a linguist to the discussion:
Since weenus seems uterally absurd and there is no dictionary defintion I think we should embrace this poor disenfranchised word. I mean how would you feel if you were a perfectly good word, with a slight (but significant) similarity to the more popular "weenie". No dictionary reference, no body to love you, or place you belong in mad libs. Only a dubious connection to an even more dubious website. So UP with WEENUS!
Have a great day Robin!
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