Yesterday, I put together a display in the library in our lovely display case. When I was cleaning out the case, I found a piece of magnetic poetry. The word on the magnet said, "shard." Ironically, about 5 minutes later, the student worker and I watched in horror as one of the display shelves decided to commit suicide by jumping out of the case. It fell out, bounced once on the stools we were using to climb on, and then fell on the ground and shattered, making a very loud sound.
Do you ever get the feeling God is trying to tell you something? On Sunday, we discussed the first part of the Lord's prayer, and looked at both versions in Matthew and Luke. Well, today in my French class, the Professor requested that we memorize the verse of the day:
Notre pere qui est aux cieux, que ton nom soit sanctifie... Matthew 6:9-10a. (I'm missing the accent marks cause you can't insert symbols in this program...and by the way, this is pronounced nothing like it looks.)
Prayer is so hard sometimes, especially when you don't know exactly what to say or how to pray when you are feeling far from God.
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