Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Decisions, decisions...

I went to a "Leadership Meeting" for a ministry that Michael would like me to be a part of. He approached me over the summer about it. We've been discussing the possibilities, and I thought that eventually I would be able to say "Yes! I want to be a part of this ministry!" But I still have reservations. Do you ever make decisions and then wonder if the decisions you made were the right ones? That's how I feel right now. I don't know why I have reservations about being on this team, but my heart just isn't in the development of this ministry. I read somewhere that the need isn't the call. There is a definite need, but I don't feel a call. Is a call something you're supposed to feel? Something you hear? For me, I think it is something that resonates deep within my soul. Things just seem positive and right, even if they are difficult things. So I'm still not really ministering outside of doing all things musical, and at least in the church, that's come to a screeching halt as I haven't been scheduled for this month. I suppose that's a good thing considering it is football season and I have been out of town a lot over the past month.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Football season? Really? Well is fresno doing okay? I mean they are such a small school and thier program, how good couls it really be?

Okay I am just kidding. Since hearing about your phenomenal brother I have kept tabs on them. They are doing great! I am glad you have had a chance to see your brother shine. As for you since you are never one to sit on the sidelines my guess is that you are still waiting for the call. Do what God puts in front of you, but be clear that it is "for now". Sorry I have been away, life has been busy.