This morning at church, many of the kids from the VBS came to sing at church for their parents. We sang two songs I wrote. So funny. As I was exciting the service to go back to help supervise our Sunday morning kids club, one of the moms came up to me and said, "that song makes me cry everytime!" So cool! Not that she's crying, but that even my silly kids songs can touch people's hearts.
I met this mom on Friday night at our ice-cream social and her husband as well. We found out that her husband had never ever been to church before and because he came to our ice-cream social, and saw that we were nice, normal, casual, people, he agreed to come to church on Sunday. So cool. Their daughter wanted to sit next to me at lunch today. She's 8 or 9.
I started doing music for kids because I like to sing, I don't have to play guitar well, and because its fun. My talent for remembering the funny songs from my childhood has combined with my other musical talents, and I think I have found my calling... well... it doesn't seem like much of a calling. I have tried to write serious songs, but I'm not very good at them. I am a decent poet sometimes, but none of my poetry translates well to music. With the kids songs, they can be funny and they can rhyme. Which I can do.
It seems like such a small, silly, thing that I do--entertain kids on Sunday mornings--but God is always bigger than I think he is, and I am amazed that God is using this silliness in bigger ways than I imagined.
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