Wednesday, June 30, 2004

The Prize

So after yesterday's post, it seems that I am all out of fresh and creative ideas for today's post. Although last night was rather exciting...I went to the fair again, with my friend from work and her sister. We saw my favorite local band from San Diego, The Garrett Thomas Band, featuring my buddy Michael on violin. They did a raffle at the end of the show, and I won! I won! Yeah! Now, you may be asking yourself, "What did Robyn win?" Well, I'll tell you, I won a small statue? figurine? icon? uhhh... don't know exactly what it is, but it is a two-inch tall "thingy" of two plastic hands, and a cross in the middle. Yep. That's what I won. I also won a free CD, but since I already have a copy, I gave it to my friends. I figured that I would spread the wealth. One word of caution for those who like to throw Christmas parties: Beware the white elephant gift exchange... my "prize" is definitely going to make an appearance.

On a more serious note, I am feeling a little worn out this week. I have almost reached my limit for how much I can handle, and I need a day off. I feel like I just can't get a break. Good thing I have next Monday off, but I haven't decided whether I'll be in Newport or San Diego. Decisions, decisions... I will be at Newport Beach for the 4th of July, so if any of you are in the area, give me a call and we'll hang out!


Ryan said...

Hmmm... Idols at a Christian concert? Well things certainly have changed.

Robyn said...

I said "Icon"...not "Idol"...

Ryan said...

Uhuh sure whatever....

