Sunday, March 12, 2006


I'm trying to do homework right now, and its depressing. I need to go to the grocery store to do this. And I have to pay attention to details. Two of my least favorite activities. I'm feeling like a bit of a failure today. I can't even post a decent response to the class discussion board. My mom thinks I'm being too hard on myself. I really don't feel like I'm doing all that great in one of my classes, and the reality of trying to pick a topic for a long paper has set in somewhat.

I did spend some time today with a friend of mine that I've known since kindergarten. It was fun. We did touristy things in San Diego. Like visit Seaport Village. We had lunch down there and just wandered.

I'm also going to a b-day party for one of the church ladies at church tonight. I have to leave in 5 minutes. I didn't really get any homework done. Just stressed myself out more by looking at my assignments. I am actually going to have to take a day off next week to do school work. I don't see myself having time to get everything done that needs doing.

Yesterday, I went home to spend some time with my dad. It was actually fun. He has a new puppy and she's so fun. She was a great distraction.

Today's Mantra: Don't panic, be calm...

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Don't panic?! What do you mean? Is there a reason to panic?
I am sorry it is so crazy. You are in my thoughts and prayers.