Friday, January 06, 2006

Music Opportunities

I just invested $700 in a new cello case. And I spent about $700 on a new computer. That's a lot of money for me. Both needed and necessary.

The cello case is exciting because I've needed a new one for years. The new case is waterproof and air-tight. Perfect for all the traveling my cello has to do. Especially this month, cause I got two small paying gigs. Both recording. One song for a clarinet player who wrote a piece for piano, cello, and clarinet, and a bunch of songs band-style for one of the worship leaders at church who is putting out an album. I've been listening to the rough tracks today and I'm impressed. It is basically a marketing album for him cause he plays at a lot of weddings and people are always asking him for his CD. Plus he's signed to a small label so that's nice. The music network is working! There's nothing like getting paid for something you enjoy. I told the worship guy he could pay me what he could afford. Perhaps it will lead to bigger and better things for me.

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