Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Do you ever just feel "snacky"? I, by no means, need to be eating anything right now. I am not even hungry. I just feel like I need to chew on something. Don't suggest gum either, I don't like it and it gives me anxiety dreams-- dreams about how my teeth will stick together because I can't get the gum out of them.

Which brings me to another random story, wherein I was eating lunch with two of my friends today, and we were talking about dreams about losing your teeth-- totally random dream, apparently a really common one, because all three of us had at least one of those. The last time I dreamed about that was a few weeks ago, and I was truly convinced that my fake tooth had broken (or something) and had gone missing. I could feel my gum line where it had been.

And no, I was not chewing gum in this dream.

1 comment:

mons meg said...

i always feel snacky. drinking hot tea helps. also i have had the teeth dream. i think it has to do with anxiety of losing something. i mostly just have anxiety dreams about work now. trying to solve problems in my sleep. stupid brain...