Friday, November 11, 2011

Life Balance

I've been back now a few weeks from my vacation and I find that it is hard to focus at work. I'm gradually getting better at it though. I have had two really great weeks of getting to bed early, and it has made a big difference in what I'm able to get done every day. The bummer part is that I haven't really spent any time with my friends here since I've been back. I am finding it challenging to find the balance -- get everything I need to get done for my jobs, get the rest I need, and exercise, and also make time to be social.

For example, I got invited to see a show on Saturday, and it sounds really fun, it's at this theater that produces melodramas and lets the people in the audience cheer and boo and throw popcorn at the actors. However, I work all day Saturday, would have to drive about 45 min to get to the theater, and then I have to be up early on Sunday morning for church. I hate showing up to worship really tired. So I'm torn. I'm actually probably not going to go to that show, but I feel like I'm missing out on a fun experience. My inclination is to go home and just chill out.

This is very typical for me. I make this kind of decision all the time, and mostly, I'm choosing rest over being social because I know how much harder things seem to be if I don't get the rest I need.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jenn and I make this kind of choice all the time. We seriously examine before we commit to things that deprive us of sleep :)
BTW we got your post card, it was beautiful!