Tuesday, June 07, 2005


I went to Mexico over Memorial Day weekend with Cornerstone Bible Church as a high-school leader. I was put in charge of VBS and worship. So I had a $300 budget, and spent almost all of it on VBS supplies and recreational sports equipment. Got everything into my car, including my sleeping bag, extra blankets and a pillow, got to Mexico, and quickly realized that I forgot my bag of clothes.

I felt like such an idiot for not remembering. But it was a great lesson in humility and God's provision. I had t-shirts, and wore the same pants all weekend. I realized even more how blessed we are in the states, because for the people we were helping, a daily change of clothing is not always possible. There is not much water, and what water there is must be paid for.

I had a great time in spite of not having brought my clothes, but God is good, and he always provides. I even got clean underwear out of a package and clean socks too. For some reason, I had floss in my car, and so I didn't really need a toothbrush.

However, between giggling high school girls, the roosters crowing from 2am on, and my volunteer shift at breakfast (5:30 wake-up call), I got maybe 12 hours of sleep. I don't think I could constantly live like this, but it was definitely fun.

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