Thursday, January 21, 2010

A cello walks into a bar...

I taught my first cello lesson last Sunday, and then went to watch the Chargers game with some friends at a bar. Well, I took the cello into the bar with me because I generally don't like leaving it in my car. The bar was empty on our side because everyone had been watching the Cowboys game (of course) and had cleared out. No one really cares too much about the Chargers here. I'm not surprised by this.

During the third quarter of the game, this guy comes up to me, asks me if my instrument is a cello, and then tells me he's a cellist. I'm immediately skeptical for a number of reasons:
  1. He's slightly intoxicated
  2. He asked what instrument was in the case...if he was a cellist, he would have said something like, "How long have you played the cello?"
  3. He was guarded in answering all the questions I asked him about playing the cello.
Well, then he sits down and pretends to play, and that's when I know for sure that while he may be a "playa," he's definitely not a player. His technique on air cello--not so good.

Turns out that most of the people at the bar were in the other room and made a bet with this guy that I wouldn't let him play my cello. He admits this, and then asks if I would play. Pretty soon, a bunch of people from the other room walk in and want to see me play. I'm like, "Seriously? Does this mean I get tips???"

So I got talked into playing and I played three songs. I made $6.00. I will also never forget that day. Ever. It was a memorable experience.

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