Other interesting things I did today:
- Stood in line for an hour to vote
- Went to archives
- Made a new friend at the archives, he works in the building where the archives are housed
- Ate at Taco Bell for lunch
- Paid my bills that I couldn't afford to pay earlier
- Trained my student workers to do some of my job while I'm gone
- Went to orchestra
On Monday, I went to have my wisdom teeth evaluated for surgical removal. Yep. They gotta go. But I only have two wisdom teeth, the other two didn't grow in. So does this mean I'm only half as wise as the rest of you??? Wait, don't answer that.
I have a few *concerns* with having this surgery:
- I bruise easily
- I hate being in pain
- They are putting me under
- I have to find someone to drive me there and back, and supervise me the first 24 hours after the surgery is done
- There is no good time for me to be in pain for any extended period of time
- I will have to pay about $400.00 to have the surgery. Basically, this means that I'm PAYING MONEY to be in pain. Ironic, isn't it. Do you think I have this kind of money? No. Can I save this much before surgery? Maybe, if I make some major adjustments to my budget, and/or if I decide to take on more debt.
Surgery is evil.
Poor thing!!! (about the teeth) Depending on when you get them pulled, I might be able to take you and watch you. Just let me know. Hey you did it for me :) love-meg
When it rains it pours! Keep your head up. Thanks for the prayers I will be sending out prayer news as well as newsletter soon, but you might be in another state (or state of mind) by the time you get them. Good luck with all the activities I will be praying for the surgery.
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