Friday, March 09, 2012

Friday Funday + a font

Today has been a fun day so far. I am probably going to get a new camera, it's just a point and shoot, so nothing super special, but it will replace the camera I've had since 2004. That one is literally falling apart at the seams, so right now it's being held together by a rubber band.

Then I went to lunch with some coworkers and had a great lunch. Some of us at the office are going through a wellness program, and our personal trainer stopped by to say "hi" and also give us a hard time. We had a really fun time just kind of chatting about fitness and life at the library.

Then I read this awesome blog from my friend, the domestic nerdess... We're friends in person too, and since I know she loves fonts and typefaces I asked her once what kind of font I would be. I meant it as sort of one of those silly questions, but she took the question very seriously, and finally gave me my results:
You can read her blog about why she chose this font for me here. So thanks domestic nerdess, I love the font you picked for me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you like it. Big hugs!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3