Monday, August 27, 2007


Last night was my last night playing with the Harbor Uptown band for awhile. I will miss them so much! Playing with them has been the highlight of my week through the summer.

From an email we (the band) got from our worship leader guy today:Got lots of gushy feedback about the music last night. Someone even put a note in the offering box saying how much they loved the cello solo in Jordan's Stormy Banks. You guys do such an outstanding job I am just bedazzled. You ALL are the best one!

To all of you at Harbor Uptown: Thanks for an awesome summer and creating a wonderful example of a worshipful community. I will miss you tremendously, and will be counting down the months (9!) until I get to come back!And to whoever loved my cello solo in "Jordan's Stormy Banks," and wrote it down in the offering box, thank you! This compliment/comment made today even better.

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