Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Idiotic Moment of the Day

...so that you all might have a laugh and feel better about yourselves...

Yeah. So I was driving to Taco Bell to pick up dinner for me and my coworker, and I was listening to my music in the car on the way, thinking about how intense the last hour was...because the San Diego City Council was meeting on our campus that night, and the opening speaker and entourage walked into the library looking for a fax machine to receive the speech in time for the presentation which was 30min away at that point. I ended up lending them mine, and got to talk to the entourage about their plan to combat homelessness, which was being presented for approval by the city council this evening...but I was thinking about how intense they all were. And then I wished I had worn a suit or something today.

So I was thinking about all this while driving, plus trying to memorize a new song. I arrived at Taco Bell, took one look at the drive through and decided I would go inside instead. So I opened my car door, got out, locked it, and shut it. THEN I realized that my keys were still in the ignition and the car was running. Yup. That was my idiotic moment of the day.

Have you realized that there seems to be a steady disappearance of pay phones??? Where did they all go? I had to use one to call my coworker to come bail me out because my phone, wallet, ID, cello, and a guitar (just thought I'd throw the guitar in for kicks...) were all still in the car. I had to walk across the street to the Denny's, which seemed to be the only place on the entire block with a payphone. Good thing I had some change in my pocket.

Anyway, I managed to call my coworker, who called the auto club (thanks triple A!!!) and they came and unlocked my door. But yeah. That's what I did tonight.

See ya all later.

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