Friday, January 21, 2005

Take a breath

Today has been so busy, and I can't believe how the time has flown! I have accomplished a lot this week, and I cannot wait for next week. Not that it will be an extraordinary week, but all the busyness of the past two weeks will be forgotten...I hope.

A friend of mine from church asked me if I would like to move in with her. She is an awesome girl and made me a great offer to live in her house for a great price. There are more positives than negatives about this place, but the negatives are substantial... one of them being the commute I would have to work, the second being the peace of mind and great roommate I currently have.

The positives would be potential for accountability in my Christian walk, significant reduction in rent, the potential to own a dog and move my grand piano down here, be closer to where my friends live and live in the community that I will soon be serving in ministry.

I feel like I have a lot on my plate to think about, and maybe this would be a good change for me.

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