Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I'm noticing today that I am feeling a lot of pressure about several different things in life. I've been thinking about how I normally deal with this, and normally, I get really overwhelmed to the point where it is difficult for me to focus and get anything done. I get overwhelmed by the "vastness" of projects... if something seems big and impossible, I don't even want to try. But what happens when it's a part of my job? Well, I have to start somewhere. Breaking big things down into smaller pieces tends to help me get going.

So the things that seem sort of impossible right now:
  • Getting ready for school, as in actually doing all the things I need to do for my job
  • Putting a set list together for church and make copies for binders
  • Finding one more member of the church band by the end of this month
  • Organizing my schedule (extra panic here, I'm always afraid I'm going to forget something)
A little bit of this pressure is external, for example, the music director at church sent me a text message today to see if I had found anyone yet, but most of it is internal. I put the pressure on myself.

It's never as big as I think, it just requires planning, and then taking action.

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