Thursday, February 21, 2008


I really procrastinated on a paper that was due last night. I was trying to think about why. The reason is not because I find the assignment difficult or challenging, but because I was not interested in writing on this particular topic. It was a too broad in my opinion, and I did not feel like I had enough resources to write this paper. This is ironic considering I am studying to be a librarian, and though I am familiar enough with how to find the information I need, this particular topic was SO broad that I had trouble pinpointing one or two key ideas on which to base my paper.

Reasons I procrastinate include:
  1. Topic is too broad and I have trouble narrowing it down.
  2. Not have enough information to make convincing arguments.
  3. No interest in the subject I'm writing about.
  4. Not understanding the contextual value of assignments-- if an assignment seems like busywork, then I'll just avoid doing it.
Some of these reasons do correspond to an article I read about why students procrastinate. I don't know why I'm so unmotivated in this particular class, but it borders on resistance. I am not an "engaged student" in this class.

However, the paper is now finished, and I can move on. I will gladly receive the "C" I deserve and continue on to enjoy the weekend.

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