Saturday, April 02, 2011


I just had one of those moments where I was journaling about my life at this point of time and had this internal battle with myself about writing some things down. It was difficult to do so because when I commit things to paper, it's like saying them out loud, and suddenly what I write becomes instantly more real, tangible, and sometimes scary. The reason for the scariness is due to the base honesty of these moments where I get real with myself, either about the things about myself that I wish I could leave unacknowledged or about the things that I really want in life that I have trouble admitting even to myself. Either way, these journal entries allow me to be more honest with myself and speak to my need for change.


mons meg said...

i cant wait for sister weekend next week!

Keegan Osinski said...

I know that feeling well! And then it's multiplied when you confide things in friends--real people hold you accountable too!