Friday, November 30, 2012

Want - micropoem

If you are wondering where are these ideas coming from, well, again, I am drawing out words from my magnetic poetry collection. Also, one more thing, I am not going to be publishing every day, per se, I may take a day off here and there. But this has already proven to be a really great writing exercise for me. So I am going to keep on doing it.

Here is today's poem:

What do I really want?
What does anyone really want?
Love, Acceptance, Happiness
This is what I want to achieve.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Blue - micropoem

This one was also more difficult because I wrote a poem about "blue" once before, This is the first poem in this series that doesn't feel like it flows in quite the right way, but again, the exercise is to write something in five minutes, so here it is:

I'm dressed warmly for the cold,
hat, scarf, gloves,
I pull my jacket tighter as I walk on the sand,
The sea, a friendly blue by day,
is darker at night
than the sky filled with its moon and stars

I give my thoughts a chance to wear themselves out as I walk
or be drowned out by the ocean's thundering roar
and lost in time masked by infinite waves

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Disk - micropoem

Confession: this one was really challenging. How do you write a poem using the word disk? I know this poetry isn't great, but this one is extra terrible. Haha. Thanks for enduring with me!

If the moon were a disk full of music, what would it play?
Songs about sun or earth envy? Or time & space?
Or maybe songs about division of dark & light,
Or perhaps a joyous song about dancing in the night?
Or maybe insurmountable distance between other spatial beings,
Or how it feels small in its own galaxy?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Though - micropoem

Even though I feel alone, I know that God is with me
Even though I feel weak, I know that God is strong
Even though I feel ashamed, I know that God accepts me
Even though I feel afraid, I know that God protects me

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Rehearse - micropoem

Over and over again
I worry the words in my head
Rehearsing every scenario
Wondering how things will go
My thoughts, restless
Like children on a merry-go-round
They hate to stop or let go
They hold on and spin
And spin some more
Dizziness, their addiction
--I'll not have peace 'til they're gone

Friday, November 23, 2012

Measure - micropoem

In music, a quantity of time
marked by two lines
A determined distance between them
Because of the brevity
Or perhaps in spite of it
Notes of different tones and lengths
abound in possibility

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Perform - micropoem

I close my eyes
Take a deep breath
Visualize the notes
Listen in my head

I open my eyes
I breathe deeply again
I am ready
For the show to begin

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I am embarking on a project to write poetry for at least 5 min a day. I am choosing random words from my magnetic poetry collection to inspire me. Today's word is "charm" and here is today's poem:


I wear a ring as a charm
to remind me to be bold
To be myself, to hold myself
in highest regard

To remember my compassion
my heart, my humanity
To help me love beyond myself
and reach out to those in need